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docomap アニメーション The animation shows a truck driving through the various places while being tracked by GPS DAL

Manage vehicle location information with ease

Docomap app screen and Google maps icon
How DoCoMAP works for you

DoCoMAP is a vehicle location information system that uses GoogleMaps as its platform and can display information from GPS terminals attached to vehicles in real time.
It enables vehicle location management and driver management, and is effective for quick customer service and emergency response, as location information is known accurately and instantly.

Multi-device support

DoCoMAP supports a variety of GPS devices, including the industry's smallest class of compact GPS terminals, communication-type drive recorders with built-in GPS, telematics devices installed on trucks, trailer-specific terminals, and digital tachographs, so you can choose the device that best suits your environment and application.

Supply Chain Management

As DoCoMAP is designed for an open usage environment, it is possible to freely disclose the location information of your own vehicles and, conversely, to display the location information of other companies' vehicles on your own DoCoMAP screen. For example, shippers can check the location of the delivery vehicles of transport companies that they have requested to transport them, or use DoCoMAP's dynamic management function to control relay transport between other companies.

ESG initiative support

It is possible to visualise CO2 emissions during operation by utilising data that can be obtained from the vehicle as well as the vehicle's location. With global social issues such as climate change becoming more apparent, it is possible to acquire data for consideration and contribution from an ESG perspective, which companies should focus on when aiming for long-term growth.

Support for achieving the SDGs

Various analyses are possible from the driving data obtained from the vehicle. By utilising the data to analyse the situation in order to achieve the targets of the SDGs, which companies are facing, it will be possible to achieve the targets as soon as possible.

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