docomap Japan provides a variety of solutions for the Digital Transformation (DX) of the transportation industry.
Furthemore, ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) and the SDGs can be addressed.
・Climate Change
Carbon neutral
CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions
・Excessive use of resources
・Working Environment
Working environment improvement
Clarification of employee evaluation criteria
・Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Compliance with Labor Standards Law
The following are the environmental issues that docomap Japan considers in its efforts to reduce the burden of solving environmental problems faced around the world.
Carbon Neutral
Reduction of empty car turnover rate for cost reduction and carbon neutrality
CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions
Visualization of CO2 emissions allows for environmental initiatives
Downloading form data supports paperless operations and prevents excessive use of resources.
The following are social issues considered by docomap Japan in order to provide positive working conditions, eliminate gender discrimination, and realize a more prosperous society while upholding human rights.
docomap Japan's solid management system and adherance to regulations prevents problems, such as accounting irregularities and improper business practices.
Compliance with the Labor Standards Act
Appropriate working hours in compliance improvement standards notification